Tuesday, May 22, 2018

My Favorite Movie


Today, I will be talking about my favorite movie of all times..... Inception. This is an amarican movie produced by a British director Christopher Nolan. I love the movie because I have always felt the curiosity of discovering another worlds and understanding people´s dreams. The movie portraits an imaginary world in which we can me inmersed in people´s dreams in order to change their or our reality.

Leo Dicaprio acted amazingly in this movie. The way the end of that movie worked out really well, Leonardo DiCaprio’s character, he was off with his kids, he was in his own fantasy world. He didn’t care about his family anymore, and that makes a statement: perhaps, all levels of reality are valid. The camera moves over the spinning top just before it appears to be wobbling, it was cut to black.

I was going out already before people caught me, and there’s a very, very strong reaction from the audience: usually a bit of a groan. The point is, objectively, it matters to the audience in absolute terms: even though when I’m watching, it’s fiction, a sort of virtual reality. 

But the question of whether that’s a  dream or whether it’s real is the question I’ve been asked most about any of the films I’ve made. It matters to people because that’s the point about reality. It is just like the Matrix movie !!!!!! 

Hope you like it!!!!!!

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Religion a myth? 

In my eyes, the concept of religion has been incredibly harmful to humanity. Let´s consider that religion was created in order to get together people, to sort out problems and live peacefully on earth. However, religion has killed more people than I world war and II world war together. From my point of view, it is highly necessary to rebuilt the concept of religion again to find out its true meaning, which is unite people regardless their differences. 

Personally speaking, I was brought up in a christian family and everything my parents taught me was basically what other religions claim: Respect other and live taking care of others. In that odisey, I decided to question myself at a very early stage of my life, let´s say 14 or 15 years old. Throughout the years, I discovered Budism. It was an eye-opening experience that shed some light in my life back then. In fact, I liked it because it suits my interests and it gave me a lot answers I was looking that Christianism never did. 

Finally, the video showed me that we need to rescpect each other,  but also take into account the facts which somehow invite us to be critical humans and analyze everything we can rely on.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Why did I decide to study English Pedagogy?

Why Pedagogy?

Firstly, I never thought that being a teacher was something I wanted for my future. In fact, I wanted to study Law or Computer Science, but then I realized that English had a magnetism and a magic bond with me. At the beggining everything was so complex and difficult because I only had English classes from 5th grade up to 4th level in high school. There were times that I couldn´t sleep because of stress during weeks in which I had to take difficult tests, but you know something? If you want something in life, as the move ¨The pursuit of happyness¨ says: ¨ If you want  something in life, go and get it.... period¨ and that branded me a lot. In a way, it was my everyday fuel I had to fight and prevail everything that was against me... and I DID IT !!!!!! AND I LOVE BEING A TEACHER.

As soon as I finished my undergraduate program, I knew I had the time and willingnes to keep moving on in life. As consequence, I decided to apply for a two-year Master program. IT WAS SO DIFFICULT but I did it for myself and the ones I love. After those years, I started feeling that I was missing something or that I should be setttling down on my dreams. So, I researched interesting topics to present in very imporant seminars related to English language teaching. Currently, up to now, I have presented in 5 seminars in different universities and I feel so good not only for me, but for the ones who were there since day one, for the ones who believed in my capacities and abilities to be able to teach something meaningful ..... to cause impact on my students´s lives.

Finally, due to this hard work, I´ve been given awards for 5 years consecutively in the place I work nowadays and it is amazing and beautiful to see that impact I was talking about previously. Students appreciate that and there is no better payment than that one. I love it !!!!!

My student´s poster of Batman !!!!! I love it !!!!!!

Monday, April 9, 2018

Who am I?

Who am I?

I am Ricardo Elizalde. I am 30 years old. I live in Ñuñoa. I have two older sisters, they are Belén (32) and Claudia (43). I have a husky dog. I am a dog lover. I adopted this dog a couple months ago  and its name is Milo <3 .Yeah you are right, it is the same name as the powdered milk we used to drink when we were young. I wanted to change its name but my dog is already 2 years old. So, I thought It would not be a good idea to change its name because we would not recognize it... so I kept it. I love him so much more because he is very protective, kind and loyal just like a wolf.

On the other hand, I love music. I personally consider music a way to express bad and good feelings. In fact, I have been playing electric guitar for over 10 years and it is a great way to get rid of stress !!!! You should try it too !!! I play the guitar in a metal band called ¨Omega¨ and believe or not, having a band is like having your own kid because you need to take care of the band and be really responsable.